Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It's Location in West Java. It's the Metropolitan city. First, jakarta's name known as Batavia. The name is given by Dutch Colonizers.
Jakarta starts from a small port at the mouth of Ciliwung River about 500 years ago. The city was then attacked by a young age, named Fatahillah, from a neighboring kingdom Kalapa. Fatahillah change the name Sunda Kalapa the White Rose on June 22, 1527. This date is now celebrated as the birthday of the city. Jayakarta name was changed to Batavia. Jakarta, divided into 5 parts of the city, namely: North Jakarta, Central of Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta, and West Jakarta. Batavia natural state of swampy country like the Netherlands, their homeland. They also build canals to protect Batavia from the threat of flooding. A historic decision in 1928 which triggered the Youth Pledge statement consists of three items, namely water landless one, single nation, and uphold the national language: Indonesian. During the Japanese occupation (1942-1945), Batavia name changed again to Jakarta. In 1966, the capital of Jakarta to obtain an official name of Republic of Indonesia. This encourages the development speed of government office buildings and embassies of friendly countries. Since 1966, Jakarta grown steadily into a modern metropolis. Cultural wealth follows the dynamic growth is a significant contribution to Jakarta to be one of the leading metropolis in the 21st century.
various sights in jakarta, including: Monument, Ancol, Dufan, Jatiluhur, Sea World, and many more other interesting attractions. Let's build a city of Jakarta to be a Metropolitan City wich prosperous, peaceful, and nice. And......Enjoy your Jakarta!!!
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